support for latest (radeon) hardware

Hans de Goede j.w.r.degoede at
Sat Jan 31 14:26:23 UTC 2009

Dave Airlie wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 09:03 +0100, Hans de Goede wrote:
>> Callum Lerwick wrote:
>>> On Sat, 2009-01-24 at 23:17 +0100, Kevin Kofler wrote:
>>>> That said, it's a tough topic, because regressions tend to really annoy
>>>> people, they feel "WTF, this always worked, WhyTF is it no longer working
>>>> now?", even though from a purely practical point of view, unfixed bugs (and
>>>> not working on some hardware is practically speaking a bug, even though
>>>> technically it's a missing feature) are much worse because there's no
>>>> working build to revert to.
>>> Your logic is flawed. People with not yet supported hardware, can find
>>> supported hardware, or live with workarounds like VESA. You can not make
>>> progress by accepting regressions. At best, you are spinning your wheels
>>> in place, at worst you are taking one step forward and two steps back.
>>> Regression means just that, you are regressing. Fedora is about
>>> progress, not regress. The linux kernel has a rather strict
>>> no-regressions policy, for good reason:
>>> I wish Xorg and Fedora as a whole, would adopt a similar policy. I'm
>>> very unhappy with how the Xorg update went in F10. Just when we started
>>> getting reliable, usable open source OpenGL, F10 came along and broke
>>> *everything*:
>>> Not a single one of my machines works out of the box like they did in
>>> F9, they all need work-arounds. But OpenGL support has been quite
>>> thoroughly broken. This has pretty well fucked any ability to get back
>>> to working on Second Life:
>>> I have Shit To Do, and it looks like I'm going to have to revert my
>>> entire Xorg back to F9 to do it.
>> Yes that is what I've done too (revert back to F-9 Xorg), even though I've been 
>> actively working with airlied (congrats with your kid once more) to get things 
>> in shape for F-10 and I believe we are in ok shape wrt 2d in F-10 3d is simply 
>> not usable in F-10, and since I maintain many games in Fedora I need working 3d.
> Didn't I fix the 3D already so it didn't crash for those apps (in
> 7.2.0-15)? or is it just slow?

I've mainly been using rawhide, where the bug definitely still exists (and I do
not have modesetting working in rawhide at all). I've just downgraded, the
kernel, libdrm, xorg-* and mesa-* to F-10 packages. That does give me working
3D without modesetting (which is new to me), but 3d still fails with
modesetting (hard hang when running blobAndConquer). Could you do to rawhide
whatever you've done to F-10 mesa? Running rawhide kernel + rawhide libdrm +
F10 xorg-* + F-10 mesa seems to work well. Better then with Rawhide X + mesa.



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