Reminder: Do not use trademarks in Summary or Description

Tom "spot" Callaway tcallawa at
Sat Jan 31 14:26:19 UTC 2009

On 2009-01-31 at 9:24:23 -0500, "Joshua C." <joshuacov at>
>  The question is if everyone should be bound by these laws. Since the
> programmer, the code, the idea (anything) originates outside of the us
> (for packagers that are not in the us). it is only "shipped" (I'm not
> sure if this is even the right word for this) to a server that's
> somewhere in the us. So why should someone be bound (a programmer and
> a user outside of the us) by laws just becase the software goes
> through a server in us.

Basically, the answer is that Fedora takes on legal responsibility for
everything we distribute, even if we're not the
programmer/author/creator/copyright holder.

If I sell a gun to a 5 year old child, I'm liable, not the gun manufacturer.


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