Possible packages...

Nathanael Noblet nathanael at gnat.ca
Mon Jul 6 06:25:56 UTC 2009

On Jul 5, 2009, at 9:33 PM, Eric Sandeen wrote:

> Nathanael Noblet wrote:
>> Apple's Calendar Server. It runs using python 2.5 or greater (I've
>> installed it on a F11 machine and it work well). I've started looking
>> at some of its dependancies. 90% of them are in fedora already, and  
>> of
>> the ones in F11, only one if I remember correctly isn't at the  
>> version
>> it requires). It seems like a great addition to Fedora if you ask me.
>> So basically it would require two new packages, and an update to one
>> other package (libevent) which is a minor version bump it seems if at
>> all needed.
> I'd love to see a calendar server in Fedora, though TBH when I  
> looked at
> Apple's long ago it was a bit daunting; it seemed like one of those
> cross-platform hacks that is very much -not- nicely integrated with  
> the
> OS (I don't remember the details; weird file hierarchies or private
> copies of libraries or ...?).  Maybe it's better now.  But if not,  
> that
> may be a hiccup.  But I'd say give it a shot.  I'd help test it.  :)

Well their python run script checks for its dependancies, and if not  
met will do a svn checkout of the right copy, however, they don't keep  
copies of the libraries within their own repository. So if you fulfill  
all its dependancies that shouldn't be an issue. As for data storage  
and all that I assume the methods they choose to store data aren't  
part of the review? Plus that is configurable between a few different  

> FWIW I looked at DAViCal (http://rscds.sourceforge.net/) too and it
> seemed like an interesting possibility as well.

Looks interesting, however the last release was well over a year ago  
it seems. Whereas Apple's CalendarServer is likely to receive more  
constant development. I guess there is a chance the Apple starts  
adding some features only available in their commercial version I  
guess... but I'm not sure if that is relevant either...

So would a good start be attempting to package calendar server for F11  
along with verifying its dependancies and then getting someone to  
review it?

I'm a little curious about the one library that F11 packages (libevent  
at 1.4.x, where calendar server seems to download a 1.5.x...) Do I  
repackage libevent as part of my packages to be reviewed? Or simply  
talk to the maintainer of libevent to see if it can be bumped? On my  
system the only package that required libevent was something related  
to nfs... though I guess there could be others but I haven't checked...

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