NVR bugs in rawhide

Daniel Mach dmach at redhat.com
Tue Jul 14 08:21:13 UTC 2009

I found 375 possibly wrong NVRs in rawhide.
Can you check it an fix it, please?
I'd like to file bugs for those which won't get fixed in couple weeks.

Short explanation of detected errors follows:

Release doesn't contain a %dist tag.
 - %dist is missing in Release: in spec

Pre-release build's release should start with '0.'.
- a pre-release build is detected with these patterns: "test", "alpha", 
"beta", "rc", "[\.0-9]a[\.0-9]", "b[0-9]+", "snap", "pre", "dev", 
"build", "bzr", "cvs", "svn", "git", "hg", "trunk", "branch"
- release should start with .0, but generally it can start with any 
number as long as it's bumped before each build.

Release format can be wrong. Unknown non-numeric characters in release.
- release contains characters different than dots and numbers & does not 
match any of pre-release patterns
- please report any detected false-positives

Extra characters after %dist tag.
- there should not be any characters after %dist
- the only exception is a workaround for older releases to keep upgrade 
path: 2.fc10.1 < 2.fc11
- rawhide definitely shouldn't contain these

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