Announcing 11 packages as orphaned

Michał Bentkowski mr.ecik at
Thu Jul 23 23:07:27 UTC 2009

Hi, due to lack of time and losing some enthusiasm, I want to orphan
following packages:

aria2 -- High speed download utility with resuming and segmented downloading
bygfoot -- Bygfoot Football Manager
cowsay -- Configurable speaking/thinking cow
kadu -- An Gadu-Gadu client for online messaging
kadu-theme -- Kadu themes
kooldock -- Cool dock for KDE with great visual effects and enhancements
krename -- Powerful batch file renamer
python-ZSI -- Zolera SOAP Infrastructure
python-mpd -- Python MPD client library
python-mutagen -- Mutagen is a Python module to handle audio metadata
sonata -- An elegant GTK+ client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)

Openarena isn't listed because Ian Weller was willing to pick it and
I'm gonna give it to him.
I am going to release ownership of my packages in pkgdb in a minute.

Thank you for all the time I spent on maintaining packages for Fedora
and I hope my packages will find new maintainers.
See you!

Michał Bentkowski
mr.ecik at

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