Testing libsatsolver on Fedora

Michael Schroeder mls at suse.de
Mon Jul 27 11:01:52 UTC 2009

Hi folks,

I'm the author of the "libsatsolver" library, a library solves
package dependencies with a SAT algorithm.
This library is currently used in SUSE by YaST/zypp. I'm currently
trying to make it less SUSE specific like adding support for package
coloring and different repo handling, but I'm pretty sure I didn't
catch all things where Fedora is different from SUSE.

To test things I've written a small application called "solv" that
works like a very tiny package manager. It's available via:


(To get the src rpm search for "libsatsolver")

The package contains just a single file, "/usr/bin/solv". It can
be run as normal user, but then the transaction can't be commited.
Also, the repository metadata caching mechanism needs write access
to /var/cache/solv. If it can't write there, it still works but
downloads the metadata again every time it is called.

So, if you have some spare time, could you give it a try and tell
me where it works well/ does stupid things/ doesn't work at all?


Michael Schroeder                                   mls at suse.de
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF Markus Rex, HRB 16746 AG Nuernberg

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