orphaning nopaste // ruby help wanted for broken package

Simon Wesp cassmodiah at fedoraproject.org
Fri Jun 5 17:02:31 UTC 2009

Dear List,

short version:

I'm going to orphan nopaste since rafb.net/paste, which was used by
this package, is discontinued (bug #504108). 
I tried to contact upstream four times and asked if they were planning
to switch to another provider, but no avail
If someone with ruby skills is able to rewrite nopaste for another
pastebin, he/she is welcome to take over the package.

long version:

I'm the maintainer (not a good one) of "nopaste". I was wondering
myself that the pasteservice of rafb.net/paste closed on my birthday.

I contacted the upstream of nopaste on the same day
(25th May), 3 days later, a week later, and yesterday. I wrote him the
situation and my problem (i believe the same problem is in gentoo,
too, because they have nopsate, too[didn't find a solution @ gentoo])
and I hint at the urgency.
Nothing happened. :-(

Yesterday I got the bug #504108. I can't ruby, so I can't fix it. I took
over the review from Phillip Baum, who discarded the idea to
become a Fedora packager. 

My most important question is:
Can anybody wrote the script to fpaste.org or an other pastebin, to
continue the life of this package in fedora?
I will hand over the package to the guy(s) who can fix this, of course. 

I'm really awfully sorry, for orphaning this package with an open
bug. :-(

Mit freundlichen Grüßen aus dem schönen Hainzell
Simon Wesp

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