Changing the default 32-bit x86 arch for Fedora 12

Orcan Ogetbil oget.fedora at
Wed Jun 17 00:16:36 UTC 2009

2009/6/16 梁穗隆
> I hear that Fedora administrator will change the default 32-bit x86 arch for Fedora 12. The default arch is i686+SSE2.
> In my opinion, I do not want to change it. Or only change to i686. SSE2 is not necessary.
> Why do I think that? Because I live in China, and I have many friends who is using Fedora. But they use their old computer to install Fedora. They are extreme Fedora fans. But their CPU does not
> support  SSE2, for example Athlon XP 2500+(Barton Core) , Tualatin Pentium 3 at more than 1.2GHz,  Some guys are using Dual Athlon or Pentium 3. With 1GB RAM, I think their computer have > enough performance to run Fedora 12. But If Fedora give up SSE-only CPU support, they will get away from Fedora and change to other Linux ditrubution. As I see, It is quite bad for Fedora project > and Fedora will lost a lot of users in developing countries.
> So I suggest that Fedora 12 change 32-bit x86 arch to i686+SSE, not i686+SSE2.

Another suggestion from me:

- Let's keep F-12 the same: ppc, ppc64, i586, x86_64
- Since ppc and ppc64 are going to be dropped from F-13, fill in the
blank spot with i686+SSE2, i.e. F-13: i586, i686+SSE2, x86_64

Everyone happy?


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