FESco meeting summary for 20090507

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Wed May 13 21:46:22 UTC 2009

>>> There will be but there isn't yet.  I'm testing and working out bugs in
>>> a large packagedb update now.  It has support for retiring packages.
>>> We'll probably have to write some new supporting scripts to go along
>>> with that (to push retired package information from packagedb into koji,
>>> maybe to do the dead.package stuff from the packagedb rather than
>>> manually by the maintainer, etc).
>> Looking at pkgdb it might be useful for the package owner to be able
>> to put a note against the package that is displayed in the package
>> info page.
> That's a good idea.  Do you think something specific to the retired
> package process - like the text that we ask maintainers to add to
> dead.package currently?  Or do you think that we'd want such text always?

I was thinking just a general memo field. It could be used to note
that the package is dead but could be easily used by the package owner
to make some other note about the package, whether it be to document
something about upstream or something that you wouldn't usually keep
in the spec file which seems the only other place to store things
about a package.


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