Package Maintainers Flags policy

Seth Vidal skvidal at
Tue May 19 15:09:18 UTC 2009

On Tue, 19 May 2009, Colin Walters wrote:

> Actually let's be practical here and admit Freeciv is a pretty special
> case.  The main thing we want to squash is things like flags in input
> method selection which is very prominent in the UI, and flags in
> bittorrent clients whose removal doesn't at all substantially affect
> the operation of the software.

It's also completely possible that freeciv may not be a package we can 

If someone packaged a "free taiwan" game where you protested the PRC and 
wheeled and dealed to get various world gov'ts to officially recognize 
taiwan (an amusing game premise, actually) I think we'd probably have to 
not ship it. Just as if someone packaged a game adaptation of "springtime 
for hitler and germany." (from the producers musical/movie for anyone who 
doesn't get the reference) we'd probably not ship it.


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