I must be doing something seriously wrong...

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Fri May 22 14:51:05 UTC 2009

Kevin Kofler (kevin.kofler at chello.at) said: 
> > You could say that about many countries. In any case, even if 1/10 of one
> > percent of those people are viable users... that still dwarfs the affected
> > packager base by many orders of magnitude.
> But not the affected user base if you remove useful apps like geography
> learning apps because they show Taiwan as a country complete with flag.
> (And yes, at least one such app exists.)

Well, then, if nothing else, you're giving lie to the idea that
including the flags is a 'neutral' proposition, if your reasoning
is that you want to include it specifically to recognize a country.

> > Given that related operating systems with *ONLY* these changes are
> > allowed, it's a fair assumption to make.
> But what about the many distros which do not do these changes? Kubuntu ships
> the Taiwanese flag, see:
> http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/all/kdebase-runtime-data-common/filelist
> Yet they even have a .org.cn site: http://www.kubuntu.org.cn/ which appears
> to be hosted inside mainland China.

And other distributions ship patented code that we do not, or trademarked
images that we do not... that doesn't generally change Fedora's stance
on such items.

> > Proliferation of spins and maintenance for specific geographies is
> > a waste of space and effort, if it can be avoided. That's why we
> > have languages included on the Desktop spin, instead of 15 different
> > localized ones.
> That's how it works for GNOME, but KDE *needs* localized spins anyway as
> there's no way to fit all the huge kde-l10n-* packages on a CD. The KDE
> spin does *NOT* include any translations.

Perhaps such packages should be re-engineered so they aren't wasting
space by including lots of translations for programs that may not be
installed if you just want the base translations. :)

Even so, where we can, we don't want anyone who tries to do a localized
spin to have to worry about forking packages or doing other machinations.
(Yes, I'm still not thrilled about BRoffice.)


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