thunderbird upgrade - wtf?

John Poelstra poelstra at
Thu Oct 15 00:52:01 UTC 2009

Mike McGrath said the following on 10/14/2009 11:26 AM Pacific Time:
> On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, Mike McGrath wrote:
>> On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, Christopher Aillon wrote:
>>> On 10/14/2009 07:56 AM, Mike McGrath wrote:
>>>> Feodra 11 should not have shipped with a beta but the previous stable
>>>> version.
>>> That's really easy for you to say, considering you don't use Thunderbird, and
>>> you have no information about the decision making process.
>>> The information I used to make the decision was:
>>> * The upstream release date was going to be within a week of
>>>   F11's release date, from a normally reliable source
>>> * 3.0 had many desirable improvements to performance
>>> * 2.0 would be EOL'd by upstream soon
>>> * Thunderbird users tend to be in the "want upgrade now" camp
>>> * Changing from 2.0 -> 3.0 after F11 was released is not something I
>>>   wanted to do
>>> * Tb3 beta would affect a smaller portion of Fedora users anyway since
>>>   Thunderbird is _not_ the default mail client.
>>> * Given initial testing by my team, and tracking upstream feedback, it
>>>   worked well enough and there were no major regressions over 2.0.
>>> Given the situation and circumstances, with the information I had available, I
>>> would make the same decision again.
>> I would have made the same decision as you, that doesn't mean it wasn't a
>> mistake.  We have no policies or procedures in place to guide you, me or
>> anyone else otherwise.  As such, we run into these issues, cause pain for
>> the users, etc, etc.
> Just an additional note to this, Mozilla themselves are still directing
> people to download Thunderbird 2.
> 	-Mike

This has been my work around since the addons I really depend on don't 
work on TB3.  I installed TB2 from the tarball and turned on automatic 
updates.  I also added an exclude to /etc/yum.conf for "thunderbird".


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