Introduction to a new SIG for creation of Live DVD

Colin Walters walters at
Sun Sep 13 19:55:05 UTC 2009

On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 7:46 PM, Aditya Patawari
<aditya at> wrote:
> We thought of this earlier. Being a fedora ambassador when I go to promote
> fedora the most common problem I hear is that people are not able to get
> everything from repo due to bad internet connection

Right, understood.  What I'm arguing is that what you get when you
install the "Live DVD" should actually be identical to the comps

However if it's desired to fill the full 4 gigabytes (i.e. actually be
DVD size), then I suggest what you do is pre-load a lot of stuff into
the yum cache, but not actually install it.  A bit of PackageKit work
could expose to the interface "only search cached stuff" perhaps.  Or
maybe the UI already knows about http:// versus file://, and if you
just made a repository which pointed at the mounted DVD?

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