FESCo wants to ban direct stable pushes in Bodhi (urgent call for feedback)

James Antill james at fedoraproject.org
Fri Feb 26 23:28:39 UTC 2010

On Fri, 2010-02-26 at 23:06 +0100, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Richard Zidlicky wrote:
> > lots of people. Some want to review changes manually and udpate only
> > "important" things,
> > 
> > Others don not have gigabit internet access all around the clock. I am
> > trying to update my Netbook over a mobile connection as I write this.
> Those people should use a more conservative distribution. Try CentOS maybe. 
> Frequent updates are an integral part of the Fedora experience.

 Stop painting everything as black and white, your emails are starting
to sound like idiot troll rants. You are more intelligent than that.
 You know that there are more options than rawhide or CentOS and you
should know that even after the minimal changes requested for this
proposal Fedora would still be classified as "stupidly large number and
size of updates" by all sane users. And if not my previous message
should have helped to inform you of that (assuming you are actually
reading other people's comments).

James Antill - james at fedoraproject.org

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