New merge review tickets being opened

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at
Wed Jan 27 23:49:07 UTC 2010

>>>>> "BN" == Bill Nottingham <notting at> writes:

BN> There is a new internal process that encourages that packages have
BN> existing Fedora reviews.

Please define "internal".  If this is some Red Hat internal thing, don't
you think the community who is being asked to do this work should at
least be informed?

BN> They're reviews of Fedora packages.

Fedora doesn't have any policy which requires reviews of these
packages.  Fedora doesn't have the manpower to do re-reviews of packages
at this time.

BN> If the queue's not being processed quickly, the queue won't be
BN> processed quickly.

And you don't see any negative effects from this?  Really?  What about
people with submissions just sitting around?

BN> If these reviews need quick attention, then I suspect resources will
BN> need to be assigned to them.

Assigned by whom?  Again, if this is a Red Hat internal thing, please
handle it within Red Hat or please at least talk to the community about

BN> I'm not convinced that adding 12 packages to the queue (the current
BN> count of these) is anything to worry about, given that we get more
BN> new submissions than that per week already without any other
BN> controls.

Because we get a lot of submissions we're buried under, throwing a bunch
of pointless ones on top won't hurt?  Come on, at least get someone to
talk to us about this.

 - J<

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