FESCo wants to ban direct stable pushes in Bodhi (urgent call for feedback)

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Tue Mar 2 09:23:09 UTC 2010

Tom "spot" Callaway wrote:
> * Has ABI/API change (and is a Critical Path package)

Wrong criterion, sorry. "Has ABI/API change and fails to include rebuilds of 
the affected packages" should be the criterion, critical path or not is 
irrelevant. But this is basically covered by "causes broken deps" already.

> AutoQA has the potential to do this. I'd rather see energy and effort
> spent on taking out these low hanging fruit.

But yes, implementing automatic QA checks first and only considering more 
drastic measures if they don't help is the right approach.

        Kevin Kofler

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