PROPOSAL: Fedora user survey

Bruno Wolff III bruno at
Tue Mar 9 22:31:40 UTC 2010

On Tue, Mar 09, 2010 at 12:07:20 -0500,
  Al Dunsmuir <al.dunsmuir at> wrote:
> To  some  extent,  I  view  my current contribution to Fedora as being
> unreasonable  and  insisting  that  it be able to perform basic server
> tasks  reasonably  for  a  small home system. If it can't do that, why
> would  I  believe  that  future RHEL releases won't follow the current
> problematic trends that currently plague Fedora?

Fedora should be usable for servers. It usually isn't the best option because
there is a lot of work dealing with updates, so that something that changes
slower makes more sense. But for a hobby admin wanting to play with new
shiny stuff it is a reasonable choice.

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