Stable Release Updates types proposal (was Re: Fedora Board Meeting Recap 2010-03-11)

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at
Sat Mar 13 10:01:02 UTC 2010

Le samedi 13 mars 2010 à 06:50 +0100, Kevin Kofler a écrit :

> Rawhide is not the answer. It comes with disruptive changes (and there's no 
> real way to avoid this problem,

So the right solution is to let you do your own disruptive changes in
stable so you don't have to deal with other people disruptive changes in

In the end, despite your repeated claims to represent the "Fedora way",
it seems to me your preferred way of operation relies heavily on your
group being almost the only one to follow it, and if others followed
your lead you wouldn't be so happy about it. And that stinks. Fedora
spent a lot of time removing those kinds of asymetric arrangements from
its workflow.

Nicolas Mailhot
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