Res: Open Letter: Why I, Kevin Kofler, am not rerunning for FESCo

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at
Mon May 3 18:51:27 UTC 2010

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Chris Adams <cmadams at> wrote:
> Thanks a lot Kevin; you showed a lot of class trying to stir up the same
> arguments that you stirred up before.  Maybe the reason you lost votes
> is that a lot of people just don't agree with you; pouting about that
> won't help anything.

There's no reason to paint this as a sour grapes issue.  I'm pretty
sure Kevin strongly believes that some decision-making is not in the
best interest of the project... its not sour grapes to be persistent
in that belief.  It's difficult being cast into the role of loyal
opposition (whether by choice or by calculation.) especially when you
don't enjoy that role and being in that position burns you out.


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