GCC & precompiled headers question

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Sun May 9 02:25:45 UTC 2010

Christoph Höger wrote:
> Unfortunately g++ also allows one single precompiled header per
> compilation unit. Does anyone know why?

Because a g++ "precompiled header" is more or less a dump of the complete 
compiler state, which is loaded and from which compilation continues. 
Obviously this can only work for a single header included before any non-
comment non-whitespace line.

> And is there any way to speed up the "linking" process a little (like
> letting g++ at least preprocess the headers or something like this)?

Create a header like "all.h" which includes all the headers you actually 
want to include and precompile that one.

        Kevin Kofler

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