Mono.Cecil and monodevelop

Paul paul at
Tue May 18 14:12:01 UTC 2010


For quite a while the packaging of monodevelop has patched using the
supplied version of mono.cecil with the one found in gac (which
according to the mono bods, isn't the right place for it - it is a work
in progress so should not be considered stable) so that we have one
version instead of lots of versions.

The new version of MD ships with a different version of Mono.Cecil to
the version found in gac and also build a decompiler based on that new
code (Cecil.Decompiler.dll).

I have tried a number of ways to build the newest version of MD using
the gac version of Mono.Cecil but it never works (fails to build at the
same point).

As the new MD relies on a version of Mono.Cecil which is newer than the
version in gac is it permissible to ship MD-2.4 with this newer version?
The version in gac remains untouched by this new version so other
applications reliant on the old version will still run.


Biggles was quietly reading his favourite book when Algy burst through
the door. Distracted for a moment, Biggles surveyed what had happened
and turned a page. "Algy old man" he said, clearing his throat, "use the
handle next time..." - Taken from "Biggles combs his Hair"
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