Bug in curl makes Fedora ftp:// URL installations fail with some mirrors

John Reiser jreiser at bitwagon.com
Mon Oct 18 15:27:41 UTC 2010

On 10/18/2010 07:44 AM, Chris Adams wrote:
[good analysis snipped]
> It would be nicer for the server to handle this better as well, but I
> think the problem starts with curl.

All _three_ parties have work to do:

1. curl has a bug when terminating a transfer before end-of-file: should
   send ABOR on the command channel before early close() on the data channel.
2. The server has a Usability bug in not resuming the command channel
   after the timeout on the data channel.
3. anaconda has a bug (installer fails to fetch some files) because
   there is no recovery action when pycurl fails.  Default should be
   to try two or three times, each time skipping over the files
   which were fetched successfully.


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