all-versions Koji repository (or a build-id database)

Dennis Gregorovic dgregor at
Wed Sep 8 19:11:46 UTC 2010

On Wed, 2010-09-08 at 10:53 -0700, Roland McGrath wrote:
> The koji database does contain the file lists in some fashion.
> You can see from the "info" link for an rpm on a "buildinfo" page.
> e.g.
>   ->
> I bet some koji guru around here can write a database query to do
> a "kojiquery -f /file/name" of sorts.
> Thanks,
> Roland

Those file lists are generated dynamically by inspecting the RPM.  Koji
used to keep the file lists in the database, but that did not scale well
and caused imports to take too long.

Separate static repos that contain all package versions should be
feasible and would have the most utility.

-- Dennis

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