RFC : Fedora design suite comps patch

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Mon Apr 4 21:00:36 UTC 2011

Ankur Sinha (sanjay.ankur at gmail.com) said: 
> Hi folks, 
> Could you please glance through this? I intend to commit it tomorrow. 
> > http://ankursinha.fedorapeople.org/misc/comps-diff-design-suite.patch

"These packages are targeted towards professional designers, like the Fedora
Design Team."

If someone doesn't know what 'professional designers' means, they're much
less likely to know what the Fedora Design Team is, so the second part of
this doesn't help much.

"These packages are targeted towards professional designers, such as
graphics artists and interface designers."

reads better to me.

Do you intend to replace the graphics group wholesale? (I would.)


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