evolution-data-server 3.3.3 soname version bump in rawhide

Milan Crha mcrha at redhat.com
Thu Dec 15 19:55:18 UTC 2011

On Thu, 2011-12-15 at 08:22 -0500, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> Could you provide a list of the dependent packages that you don't have
> commit rights to, so we can organize a provenpackager to help handle it?

I know this is not the right procedure, but can I provide it "after it
breaks", please? I've a little mess in what is still active and what
not, thus I get the list by the broken deps messages, which is more
accurate than my outdated records. I'm sorry for that.

I'm currently receiving broken deps for only two packages from the last
soname bump of eds in rawhide, one is syncevolution, to which I have
commit rights, but the issue is something with linking after its update
to newer version - I didn't follow the error closely. The other is
gnome-python2-desktop, to which I do not have commit rights. I do not
have commit rights to others too, but owners are forgiving to me and
usually rebuild their packages on their own.

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