Adding ~/.local/bin to default PATH

David Sommerseth davids at
Thu Jul 28 10:36:01 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

On 27/07/11 15:54, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> If you don't hide ~/.local and ~/.config then users who are less savvy
> than us might wonder what thzat stuff is and delete it and nothing will
> stop them and then all their configuration is lost.

If a user lists out (even via Nautilus) hidden files and folders.  What
would stop that user from seeing ".local" and then "wonder what thzat stuff
is and delete it"?

We cannot stop any users from doing stupid things, no matter what the name
of a file or directory is, if it is hidden or not.  Sure hidden dirs is
more "difficult" to find for new rookies, but sooner or later people will
find such hidden stuff.  But they will most likely only delete such a
directory once, regret bitterly and never touch it again.

We must stop thinking that the users are plain drop-dead-stupid and will
never become as clever as you, me or any other claiming to be a "computer
guru".  Users can be taught to do things the right way.  Sometimes through
experience, sometimes by others telling them what to do or not to do, other
times we can have software popping up an alert saying: "What you're about
to do now is most likely crazy, silly and stupid.  Are you sure you really
want to do this?  You might regret bitterly if you proceed!"

Just like what Firefox has done with the "about:config" warning.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
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