longstanding pulseaudio bug. any workaround?

Jitesh Shah jitesh.1337 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 16:41:41 UTC 2011


> Jack sensing is not really ready in the drivers yet. While many HDA
> drivers now support a jack sensing API via the Linux input subsystem PA
> does not make use of this and is unliekyl to anytime soon as most folks
> agree that misusing the input subsystem for jack sensing is a bad idea
> and a different solution should be sought. (Most likely based on the
> alsa control interface, see recent alsa-devel discussions about
> that). But that isn't upstream in neither ALSA nor PA.
> So, it might sound easy, but actually isn't.

I see.

Is there a way to alleviate the situation?
eg. What is the commandline to manually switch between Plugged-in and
plugged-out? (I can set it to some global shortcut key, so that I
don't have to go reach the sound UI each time).


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