Fedora 16 Final Release Criterion for Xen DomU

David Nalley david at gnsa.us
Mon Oct 10 19:05:01 UTC 2011

On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 2:36 PM, Adam Miller
<maxamillion at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 02:23:59PM -0400, David Nalley wrote:
> <SNIP>
>> I don't think we can dismiss the ability to have Fedora run on the
>> hyerpvisor that powers (by most accounts) 80% of the public clouds.
>> Amazon, RackSpace, Linode, Tata, IDCF, and virtually every other major
>> compute cloud services provider is using Xen of some sort as their
>> hypervisor. Even if that list was only Amazon AWS, I'd say it's still
>> too large to ignore. Effectively if Fedora doesn't work on Xen it
>> likely means it doesn't work in the cloud which hardly strikes me as a
>> reasonable expectation. I'd personally argue that this should be more
>> than a NTH, but my view tends to be pretty cloud-centric these days.
> <SNIP>
> Do any of those cloud providers ever run the stock image or do they roll
> their own with a custom built kernel anyways? I don't have a lot of
> insight into this but was just curious what the landscape is looking
> like out there. I personally think it would be cool to have F16
> boot/install as DomU out of the box, but I don't really have a dog in
> the fight either way... just an idle curiousity.

Well at least for Amazon, what is there is what we (Fedora) push up,
so it's all Fedora now, with our own kernel.
I am sure Max Spevack and Justin Forbes can speak to this more
intelligently than I can.
I don't have visibility into a lot of the public clouds. I do get the
impression that RackSpace uses their own kernel or at least has
historically. For some of the others, I know they aren't rolling their
own kernel, they are booting what ships, creating templates of it etc.


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