Delinquent mirror process

Tom Hughes tom at
Mon Sep 19 15:24:10 UTC 2011

On 19/09/11 16:06, Matthew Booth wrote:

> I've noticed that hasn't been updated since 8th
> September:
> However, it's still being handed out by our mirror list. It seems to me
> they should be, at least temporarily, dropped as an official mirror. Is
> there a process for doing that?
> Also, is there a way to contact them to ask if they've permanently
> dropped Fedora, or if this is just a blip? Their mirror site suggests
> only Bytemark customers should contact them.

I'm a customer so I pinged a tweet at them pointing them at your 
message. I'm sure they wouldn't have objected to the upstream for the 
mirror contacting them though.


Tom Hughes (tom at

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