While we're talking about RPM dependencies ...

Alexander Boström abo at root.snowtree.se
Sat Apr 7 19:26:22 UTC 2012

fre 2012-04-06 klockan 10:17 +0100 skrev Richard W.M. Jones:

> AIUI you don't need to bump the soname when you add a new function,
> only if you incompatibly change an existing function or struct.

To clarify (if I understand correctly) the minor version should be
incremented in this case, by incrementing current and age in the libtool
versioning, but it'd still be libusbredirhost.so.1 so it wouldn't matter
with regards to dependencies.

libfoo.so.major.minor.revision corresponds to libtool
current:revision:age = major+minor:revision:minor.



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