Fixing boost 1.50 issues while branching issues

Dodji Seketeli dodji at
Mon Aug 13 09:56:38 UTC 2012

Dennis Gilmore <dennis at> a écrit:

> f18-candidate is the target name and has nothing at all to do with any
> tags, a target has 2 things the tag used to populate the buildroot and
> the tag that resulting builds are tagged into.
> Right now the f18-candidate target is setup to populate the
> buildroot using f18-build and resulting builds are tagged into f18
> directly. when we enable bodhi in a few days we will then adjust the
> f18-canidate target to tag the resulting builds into
> f18-updates-candidate.

Thank you for these explanations.

I find it always enlightning when our build system gurus explain these

Out of curiosity, is there a Koji/Bodhi documentation somewhere that
explains what terms like "untagged" mean?  The closest I have found was  But it
won't explain in precisely what for instance this kind of message that
we routinely get from bodhi mean:

    package <foo> successfully untagged from f17-updates-testing-pending by bodhi


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