bugz.fedoraproject.org/<packagename> MIA?

Ville Skyttä ville.skytta at iki.fi
Thu Dec 6 20:26:07 UTC 2012

On 2012-12-06 22:12, Ralph Bean wrote:
> What package in particular are you trying?  For instance,
> https://bugz.fedoraproject.org/nethack works for me.

qt, python-zope-interface4 were the ones I tried.

> An idea: packages that have do not have rawhide builds are not indexed
> by the fedora-packages webapp.  This could be why your request is
> returning a 404.

Looks like some packages are returning a non-404 page indeed. Both qt
and python-zope-interface4 have f19 builds though.

BTW the new fedora-packages webapp is much slower and less usable than
the old pkgdb one for me, I'd personally prefer it to be switched back
until the bugs like the above have been sorted out and the performance
and usability have caught up.

For example:

Loads in about 7 seconds and is usable and provides just what I want (a
full list of bugs for that package) right after that.

Loads in about a second or two, but the bugs are shown about 20 seconds
afterwards, and what's making it worse is that only 10 bugs are shown
after that, I need to click next and wait some more to see more bugs.

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