Rolling release Fedora - fantastic idea

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Wed Feb 1 17:38:29 UTC 2012

Przemek Klosowski wrote:
> The downgrades would actually be better than having an unsupported
> system that doesn't get any updates ever. The assumption here is that
> the downgrades aren't introducing any security or fundamental
> functionality issues--hopefully, 'long term support' means that they
> would fix such problems.

Well, then you can try migrating with yum distro-sync and it will do the 
required downgrades, but such an option will never be officially supported 
by anybody because package downgrades aren't officially supported in the 
first place. (Fedora doesn't support it, some upstreams also don't support 
it, and e.g. config files from the new version might no longer work with the 
old one.)

        Kevin Kofler

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