Fedora 17 Alpha status update

Adam Williamson awilliam at redhat.com
Tue Feb 21 04:49:51 UTC 2012

Another quick F17 Alpha status update: we now have updates in for all
open blockers. However, the fix for the plymouth issue was to add it to
comps, and it takes a few hours for that change to be registered before
we can do a compose.

(All times in the following are PST). The compose should be happening
tomorrow morning, so we'll have all of tomorrow and Wednesday morning to
get the Alpha tests run ahead of the go/no-go meeting. It shouldn't be
too much work, since the set of Alpha tests isn't that large compared to
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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