Fedora 17 ARM GA Release

Eric Smith eric at brouhaha.com
Wed Jul 11 10:05:45 UTC 2012

Rahul Bhalerao wrote:
> Is there a build compatible with WM8650 ARM 926 EJ-S or Cortex Nuvoton M0?

It is nearly guaranteed that there will never be a Fedora build for a 
Cortex-M0 from any vendor.  Or Cortex-M1, M3, or M4.  The Cortex-M and 
Cortex-R series cores don't have an MMU, so they can't run a normal 
Linux kernel.  Some Cortex-M or Cortex-R parts might support enough 
memory to run uCLinux, but a normal Fedora distribution can't run on 

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