Heads up: rpm 4.10.0 alpha to hit rawhide shortly

Panu Matilainen pmatilai at laiskiainen.org
Tue Mar 20 09:52:57 UTC 2012

As http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/RPM4.10 got accepted in 
yesterday's FESCo meeting, here come the bits.

For details see http://rpm.org/wiki/Releases/4.10.0, but the bottom line 
is that for business-as-usual operations you shouldn't really notice 
much anything at all. Well, apart from cleanup-erasure progress being 
visible if you use rpm cli instead of yum to upgrade packages.
Just watch out for anomalies and report them ... as usual.

As there's a soname bump involved, the following packages will need a 
rebuild. It should be just a straightforward bump+rebuild for all these. 
If a build that succeeds with rpm-4.9.x fails with rpm-4.10.x then its 
likely a bug in rpm (or then the software is playing with some very dark 
corners of librpm):

abrt-team       abrt
abrt-team       libreport
anaconda-maint  anaconda
athimm          apt
ensc            libextractor
fche            systemtap
ivaxer          opensips
jcollie         asterisk
jdieter         deltarpm
jsafrane        net-snmp
kklic           libsolv
lkundrak        ovaldi
mlichvar        rpmreaper
mmaslano        perl-RPM2
mprivozn        libvirt-snmp
peter           openser
ppisar          perl-RPM-VersionCompare
pvrabec         openscap
pvrabec         sectool
rhughes         PackageKit
rhughes         zif
rmeggins        389-ds-base
rohara          foghorn
sharkcz         openhpi-subagent

	- Panu -

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