RFC: Primary architecture promotion requirements

Brendan Conoboy blc at redhat.com
Tue Mar 20 18:50:53 UTC 2012

On 03/20/2012 11:20 AM, Jesse Keating wrote:
> Honestly I've yet to see a succinct list of reasons why secondary arch
> is no longer good enough for the ARM effort, for at least the next few
> releases. I may have missed it in the flurry of emails and debate,
> anybody care to recap it for clarity?

This was one of the points raised by FESCo yesterday, and it's a fine 
question that we'll be answering better, elsewhere, in due course.  That 
said, where does this question lead?  If we explain what we're trying to 
get to, will it somehow overcome the objections raised such as build 
system performance?  For the sake of coherent discussion, let's assume 
that we have good reasons why we want to move to primary, and we can 
keep the subject on what the requirements are for doing so.  The topic 
at hand isn't even ARM specific, it's just been prompted by us ARM 
aficionados.  Again, I understand that there do need to be good reasons, 
that's just not the subject of this particular thread.  So, other than 
build system performance, what are the requirements you'd like to see met?

Brendan Conoboy / Red Hat, Inc. / blc at redhat.com

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