[HEADS UP] I've just built Erlang R16A in Rawhide.

Peter Lemenkov lemenkov at gmail.com
Mon Feb 4 09:29:04 UTC 2013

Hello All!

As a part of the planned Erlang upgrade to R16 I updated it to the
recently released R16A (Release Candidate). I'm expecting a lot of
breakage. Unfortunately all incompatibilities are hidden from end
users, and some applications will install fine but refuse to start.
Instead they will throw up unexpected (by end user, I'm aware of this
issue) message to the console - "Driver compiled with incorrect
version of erl_driver.h". I'm working on tracking them down and
rebuilding them. Also I plan to add another one constraint to these
packages - a dependency on a Port protocol version (additional
"Requires:"), so a major update will pull affected packages into
"Broken Dependencies" list thus preventing from disruptive updates.

Note - I won't plan to upgrade Fedora 17/18 to R16 to not to hurt our
current users. Instead I encourage everyone who's interested in trying
a very latest Erlang to upgrade to Rawhide/F19 asap.
With best regards, Peter Lemenkov.

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