Proposed F19 Feature: Cinnamon as Default Desktop

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Tue Feb 5 01:59:07 UTC 2013

Adam Williamson wrote:
> ...and forcing a choice - possibly between several things they are not
> familiar with either in detail or in nature - is equally wrong for many
> people. Probably *more* people. Lots of people don't really care what
> desktop they get, and lots of people don't know what a desktop is or
> what are the differences between GNOME and KDE and Xfce and LXDE and and
> and and...
> You're a new Linux user, you go to our download page, and instead of a
> simple big green Download button, it starts asking you questions about
> what 'desktop environment' you want? What the hell is this crap?
> Getting this right was one of the simple things Ubuntu did that helped
> its initial surge in popularity over other distros at the time, BTW.
> They didn't make you pass a test to download the product.

I don't think "distro XYZ did that" is a reasonable argument for doing 
something in Fedora, but since you started it: OpenSUSE is doing just fine 
doing exactly what I suggest (making people actually pick their download). 
Their download button actually points to a selector, not directly to an ISO.

        Kevin Kofler

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