ConsoleKit and esound retirement

DJ Delorie dj at
Thu Feb 14 04:06:54 UTC 2013

> Well, it looks like you aren't running ANY desktop environment,

fvwm2, emacs, firefox, xterm.  Plus a few other things as needed.
This is for two computers running four monitors (one computer is the
local one with the monitors, the other is strictly ssh and remote X,
each computer has its own desktop I switch between).  It's a horror
show each time I upgrade, usually takes a few days to get everything
"settled" again.

> or at least one that doesn't provide an XSettings manager.

This is the first time I've *heard* of an "XSettings manager".

> Did the evil gnome-settings-daemon even get autospawned? Try "killall
> gnome-settings-daemon".

I did kill it.  It was running again anyway.  I killed it again and
replaced it with a script that just calls /bin/true :-)

Some of the appearance changed back when I killed the daemon, but I'll
have to reinstall the theme to see if the cursor is fixed.

I have a hard time keeping programs from running xrdb too, I usually
end up renaming that too.

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