Releasing ownership of packages

Karel Klic kklic at
Wed Feb 27 16:08:04 UTC 2013

Dear all,

I am releasing ownership of my packages due to lack of time to properly maintain them.

ant-antlr3 -- Antlr3 task for Ant
emacs-ecb -- Emacs Code Browser
emacs-rpm-spec-mode -- Major GNU Emacs mode for editing RPM spec files
global -- Source code tag system
inamik-tableformatter -- A set of Java classes to print text in tabulated form
jopt-simple -- A Java command line parser
notmuch -- system for indexing, searching, and tagging email
python-functest -- Functional test framework
python-mozbase -- The Mozilla suite of Python utilities
python-windmill -- A web application testing framework
python-wsgi-jsonrpc -- Expose Python classes via JSON using WSGI
rubygem-acts-as-list -- Sorting and reordering capabilities for Active Record models
trac-agilo-plugin -- A plugin for supporting the Scrum process in Trac

Best regards,

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