Heads up: xserver 1.14RCs coming to rawhide

Adam Jackson ajax at redhat.com
Thu Jan 10 04:33:40 UTC 2013

It's that time again!  New server means new ABI means mass driver
rebuild.  If you're using a third-party driver, you naughty person you,
then you'll need to --skip-broken until your repo catches up.

One notable change: the 'nv' driver has been retired.  It's effectively
been dead upstream since mid-2010.  The only way you're likely to notice
is if you're using one of the vanishing few chips that nouveau still
doesn't support, which I think is limited to nv3.  vesa should still
work though.  If people are seriously interested in keeping native
driver support for 16 year old hardware, I guess that's a thing you can
do, but do it in KMS please.

- ajax

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