drop inheritance at f19 branch point?

Bruno Wolff III bruno at wolff.to
Thu Jan 24 01:36:02 UTC 2013

On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 22:38:30 +0100,
   Lennart Poettering <mzerqung at 0pointer.de> wrote:
>Oh, yeah, let's make it even more work to update a package. Because we
>have so much free time, let's let humans do what computers could do

What if there were was an automated process that did the rawhide build?

>I'd propose instead that mass branching goes away entirely, and the
>"master" branch too. Instead, people focus developing on the branch
>"f19", and then branch that off to "f20" when they are ready to, or
>actually have to make a change that they wouldn't apply to "f19". Then 6
>months later when they think that their "f20" package is in a good shape
>for release and it is time to work on Fedora 21, they fork "f21" off
>"f20" and so on. That places the focus on "polishing", and requires
>manual branching when people want to make non-polishing changes, and
>that's good that way. The only way "mass-branching" would then happen is
>on gcc rebuilds, but the branching is merely a side effect then. Rawhide
>would always contain the packages from the newest branch in the

This is kind of how things work now at a repo level. There are a couple of 
problems though. Sometimes the changes have ripple effects and other packages 
also need to get rebuilt for rawhide. The other is that fixes in 
updates-testing aren't inherited into rawhide. During freezes this can leave 
rawhide broken for a long time.

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