Flock proposals now open for community voting

Lennart Poettering mzerqung at 0pointer.de
Tue Jun 4 08:28:02 UTC 2013

On Mon, 03.06.13 12:36, Tom Callaway (tcallawa at redhat.com) wrote:

> These submissions are mostly anonymized (some people put their names
> or enough details in the abstracts to make it obvious who the proposed
> speakers were). This is intentional, as we are trying to eliminate an
> area of potential bias. We want the ideas behind these submissions to
> be the area of focus, and not be overly biased by the speaker.

This sounds seriously misguided. I mean, I usually prefer attending
talks where I know that the presenter is actually involved in the
respective project, rather than just any random guy/gal.

I am all for levelling the playing field, but things like this sound
like they have pretty negative consequences for the quality of


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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