[emelfm2] remove vendor tag from desktop file. https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/247

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Mon Mar 11 02:59:23 UTC 2013

Michael Schwendt wrote:
> And rest assured, "dropping very old obsoletes" isn't controversial in
> general.

Oh sure it is! I don't understand why it's recommended practice to do this. 
I see absolutely no benefit in removing any Obsoletes. It only breaks things 
for people who skip more releases at a time than we expect them to 
(currently 1, i.e. upgrading from n-2 to n, no more) and doesn't fix or 
improve anything.

IMHO, Obsoletes should be kept forever by default (where "by default" means 
"unless there's a concrete reason to remove the Obsoletes", e.g. it makes 
sense to drop an Obsoletes if the package you're obsoleting was reintroduced 
and the reintroduced new version is a better replacement for the dropped old 
version than your package which was carrying the Obsoletes).

        Kevin Kofler

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