F20 Beta upgrade issues - network status gone

Bastien Nocera bnocera at redhat.com
Thu Nov 14 16:46:12 UTC 2013

----- Original Message -----
> >> but I do have a number of
> >> bluetooth devices (mouse, speakers, headset) that I use to be able to
> >> connect with a couple of clicks once paired but now every time I want
> >> to use them I have to go into the control panel which is a good dozen
> >> or more clicks.
> >
> > Mice, speakers and headsets should all try to connect to the computer
> > without you having to do anything. If that's not working (and I had some
> > problems
> > with a mouse recently), that's probably what we should be looking at rather
> > than re-adding things to the menu.
> None of them do, and I've never had any luck with that going back
> sometime, I've always had to manually pair.

Well, you pair once, that's supposed to keep. Unless you use your device
for another computer, or phone, in which case you'll keep needing to do that.

The good thing is that we should be reworking for GNOME 3.12 that so you
don't need a separate interface from the settings panel to pair it. But that's
still pretty deep inside the interface...

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