F21 System Wide Change: Headless Java

Stanislav Ochotnicky sochotnicky at redhat.com
Wed Nov 20 15:53:46 UTC 2013

Quoting Nicolas Mailhot (2013-11-20 16:20:34)
> Le Mer 20 novembre 2013 15:04, Stanislav Ochotnicky a écrit :
> > Can we actually list good reasons to have a metapackage or x11 subpackage
> > that
> > would outweight the inevitable disadvantages? If you *really* feel I
> > misunderstood these two ideas we can start an etherpad or something so we
> > can
> > ping-pong more effectively on specific issues.
> What will you do when wayland arrives and you'll need to make the x11
> parts optional even for gui apps?

Wayland has and for foreseeable future will have an X11 compat layer. As far as
I am aware there is nobody working on native Wayland support in OpenJDK. So the
answer to your question is: I will do nothing because OpenJDK will need X11

Stanislav Ochotnicky <sochotnicky at redhat.com>
Software Engineer - Developer Experience

PGP: 7B087241
Red Hat Inc.                               http://cz.redhat.com

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