Self Introduction / Contributing a package to Fedora

Derek Pressnall derekp7 at
Tue Jul 29 14:45:06 UTC 2014

On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 1:30 AM, Matthias Runge <mrunge at>

> A few remarks about your spec given at [2]:
> - Source0 should be a valid URL (if possible)
> - in files section, you should use %{_bindir} instead of /usr/bin
> - the same applies to your install section
> - and of course your changelog must contain entries
> - insert real version numbers and release numbers to Version and Release

Thanks for your input, this really helps.  I will fix these errors, compare
against some other recent SRPMs, and get it in shape before requesting
formal review.  Just a couple more quick questions:

For the Source0 URL, since this project is hosted on Github, the URL that
leads to the tar.gz file doesn't contain the tar file name (it is "", which ends up creating
the tar.gz file name on the fly through HTTP header / javascript magic).  I
will address this by attaching an exported copy of the tar.gz file as a
binary asset to the Github progject release.

Also, in the spec file, the release is "1%{?dist}" so that is uses the dist
macro to fill in automatically.  But I'd like for the SRPM file to be
release agnostic (so I don't have to host one for each release of Fedora).
 If I rename the .src.rpm file to not include "fc19", then rpmlint
complains.  Is there a proper way to build the SRPM so that the binary RPMS
built from it use the "%{?dist}" macro, but the SRPM is release agnostic?
 Or should I just one SRPM for the most current Fedora release?

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