Porting initramfs-tools to dracut

Saurabh Kulkarni srk892 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 01:35:40 UTC 2014

Hi there,

So I've been working on a project that requires me to have my own custom
initrd. The doc I'm following is specialized for ubuntu, so it makes use of
mkinitramfs to create initrd, and uses initramfs-tools/scripts and
initramfs-tools/hooks for serving its purpose. I tried using dracut to
create a ramdisk, but I cannot figure out how should I incorporate
additional scripts and hooks into the same. I tried extending a dracut
module (00bash) by adding *inst_hook cmdline 20 "path to the script" * but
that doesn't seem to help.

I'd really appreciate if someone could help me figure out a way. Either
using dracut or somehow if its possible to use initramfs-tools on fedora..


Saurabh R Kulkarni
Graduate Student, ECE
Carnegie Mellon University
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