Join to Mozilla Location Service in Fedora

Jiri Eischmann eischmann at
Thu Nov 6 19:10:19 UTC 2014

Sudhir Khanger píše v Čt 06. 11. 2014 v 19:33 +0530:
> On Thursday, November 06, 2014 01:16:20 PM Martin Stransky wrote:
> > I'd like to ask you to join the project, install the Mozilla Stumbler 
> > application [3] and help to improve the location accuracy.
> How do I benefit from broadcasting my location?

Well, it depends how sensitive about your privacy you are. IMHO most
people appreciate if they start e.g. GNOME Maps and the app shows right
away where they are even on normal computers that don't have a GPS
module. Or that you let Anaconda set system language, keyboard etc.
based on their location. Such a database allows open source projects to
have such a functionality.
It's usually opt-in, so you don't have to use it and don't use it by
default. This is at least designed as anonymous while Google tracks all
Android users and saves their personal location data by default.

I've been using Mozilla Stumbler for a few days and due to that my home
laptop can be accurately localized when I want to use such a service.


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